Tuesday, July 21, 2015

We need your support!

Dear Readers, we are closely approaching the start of the workshop and things are slowly falling into place! To help cover the costs of the workshop we set up a crowdfunding site to collect donations to pay for things like better quality materials, and getting local experts and community members involved in the work we are doing. The more we engage with local villagers, the more likely it is we will make a lasting difference in the community, and the more successful our workshop will be. Please help spread the word to your friends, family, and colleagues who may be interested in making a donation via this link: www.betterplace.org/p31124

We will be collecting donations up until the last day of construction (or sooner if we reach our goal before that). Every euro counts, no matter how small the donation, our project will receive 100% of donations. If you aren't in the financial situation to donate, please help spread the word to others you know who are interested in making a difference. Together we can put an end to destructive building processes and make a change in how sustainable construction is seen in the world.

The Raumgeschichten e.V. Team

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